Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The YouTube's

So there are some old sketches on here that I kept because the general idea's were fine (lying) but I still hate them. I should post some new stuff (prolly not). I also made some (most) of them private because I hate them with such passion I didnt want them to ruin my comedy career (non-existant). It was weird because we had a following in High Schools and kids would quote us and I was flattered (didnt care) but at the same time felt bad because these poor kids (dummys) were supporting shitty comedy (minus the comedy). If I do record and post new videos it will most likely be with Vimeo because you can put stuff on there in HD which makes me giddy (hard). I have some stuff in the works with people more established than myself (easy to do) so hopefully sometime this summer Ill put some new stuff up (porn).

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