Monday, March 30, 2009

Upright Citizens Brigade

I have a show tomorrow, or today rather I guess. Monday March 30th at 7pm @ UCBLA. Come see a comedy show for 5 bucks.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Show this Saturday! Come hang out! Its freebies!

The YouTube's

So there are some old sketches on here that I kept because the general idea's were fine (lying) but I still hate them. I should post some new stuff (prolly not). I also made some (most) of them private because I hate them with such passion I didnt want them to ruin my comedy career (non-existant). It was weird because we had a following in High Schools and kids would quote us and I was flattered (didnt care) but at the same time felt bad because these poor kids (dummys) were supporting shitty comedy (minus the comedy). If I do record and post new videos it will most likely be with Vimeo because you can put stuff on there in HD which makes me giddy (hard). I have some stuff in the works with people more established than myself (easy to do) so hopefully sometime this summer Ill put some new stuff up (porn).

Monday, March 16, 2009

Come to a show!

If youre in Hollywood Ill be at Upright Citizens Brigade tomorrow night @ 7pm ($5) and the following saturday at iO West @ 9pm (dont know the cost) So come hang out and enjoy comedy (long form improv) bitches!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Its been awhile...

So I havent used this in sometime. I have some other blogs I use but made them private so this is now the public one. Im also going to be starting a podcast soon (seperate from the one that I do on my phone where I just call them in while on the road) so thats another reason to use this. So be on the look out ya lil jerks!